Welcome To St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church

Located in beautiful Crawfordville, Wakulla County, Florida. If you come as a visitor, we're sure you'll leave as family!

About St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: For the greater glory of God, we, the parish family of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, established in the love of the Father, rooted in the Word of God, and guided by the Holy Spirit, are committed to loving, serving, and praising God through His Church, our community, and the Liturgy.

ABOUT US: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church is a small, rural parish of 159 families in Crawfordville near Medart and the Gulf Coast. We are an active parish with community service projects throughout Wakulla county. In addition to many retired parishioners, Saint Elizabeth is parish home to many young families. It has a robust religious education program and an active high school youth group. Currently, it shares its pastor with Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Lanark Village, Florida. It is the hope of the parish that this Web site will welcome visitors and new parishioners, by listing the many ways the parish praises God: through His church, through His people, through service, through the liturgy and through faith.

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Bulletins & News

Catholic Sharing Appeal

The Catholic Sharing Appeal (CSA) is a wonderful success story.  It is the story about the Church here in Northwest Florida and the Big Bend, a story in which each and every one of us has a part to play.  It is a local story of how the people of God have built this Church up to where it is now. Read more…